
Latvian Federation of Detective and Security Services brightly welcomes you to our homepage! Learn more about us by reading below!


LDDDF main goals and objectives

Learn about our goals and objectives on the main page below! Have questions!? Feel free to ask, we welcome your every question!


Latvian Federation of Detective and Security Services

LDDDF is international public organization with the key coverage of Baltic Sea States and beyond. By close collaboration with partners from Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Poland, UK, France, USA etc. we strive to achieve understanding and high professionalism with the industry experts.

LDDDF Established in 2002 by the leading experts in the security and crime counteraction fields from Russia, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania (initial name Baltic Anticriminal and Antiterrorist Forum). We are open for all interested parties who share our values to join LDDDF and continue development of both theoretical and practical investigative and security applications.

Main goals and objectives

  • 1

    Public awareness

    Improving the general knowledge and increasing the level of education of society about the danger and margins of organized crime, international fraud and corruption.

  • 2

    Improvement activities

    Assistance to the development of cooperation between the government law enforcement, private security providers, investigators and public organizations.

  • 3

    Interaction development

    Development of recommendations to the improvement of the international legal basis and harmonization of the legislation of the Baltic Sea region States.

  • 4


    Organization and support to researches, consultations, conferences and seminars in the areas of private investigations, security, criminology, sport and marketing.



LDDDF is an international, independent organization established to unite the efforts of society to counter organized crime, corruption and fraud.

A Brief History of LDDDF

LDDDF (Latvian Federation of Detective and Security Services) is the Public nongovernmental organization. Identification No 40008067311. Registration date May 8, 2002. The founders and board members of the SBS are citizens of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Russia. There are among them prominent politicians, scientists, representatives of public and private institutions of law and order and security, the media and other public organizations.

In 1993 in Riga with our direct participation has been established Latvian Federation of Detectives and Security Services (LDDDF). During its existence, including the activities of the international detective and security community, the Federation gained popularity both in Latvia and in many other countries.

Each member of the Federation was involved in security and detective business, providing detective and legal services to the public, research and international conferences. The key to that was a great theoretical and practical experience, highly qualified personnel and corporate solidarity of the Federation members.

In 2002, my colleagues and I have established a new public organization: Baltic Anti-criminal Antiterrorism Forum (BAAF), later renaming it in SBS (Society for Baltic Security). SBS continues the tradition of the Federation of Detectives (LDDDF), already having international status Among the founders and chairman of our organization were:
* Doctor of Law, Professor Andrew Vilks;
* Doctor of Law, General, former head of the Latvian State Police Aldis Lielyuksis;
* Doctor of Law, General Vladimir Ovchinsky (Russia);
* Doctor of Law, Professor Ando Leps (Estonia);
* Doctor of Law, Sworn Advocate Michael Chernousov and other well-known people in a society.

Strategy LDDDF

LDDDF strategy is to combine the efforts of all healthy forces of society for improving the unified approach in the fight against organized crime, terrorism and corruption, creating an effective system of counteraction to criminality, to develop recommendations for the safety of society and the particular individual. We are open for cooperation and collaboration with all interested parties and individuals around the world who share our aims and objectives.

Significant activities and forms of work

Among the most significant activities and forms of work representatives of LDDDF include:

- Participate in the development of the Law on the detective and security activity.
- Conduct in Latvia annual international scientific and practical conference "Society. Person. Security".
- Cooperation with international organizations and participation in projects "neighbor control» (Kaimiņu drošība); International INDEM Foundation, and the Global Alliance «Altus» (open police investigation); WAAF- (World anti-crime and anti-terrorism forum); ASIS International (American Society for Industrial Security); WAD (World Association of Detectives).
- Traditional meeting of our "Detective Club".
- Participation with papers at an international security conferences in Washington, DC, Texas, Las Vegas, Kiev, Yalta, Dnepropetrovsk, Vilnius, Tallinn, Copenhagen, London, The Hague, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Berlin, Barcelona, Rome, Nice.

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LDDDF Activity

LDDDF activities carried out in accordance with defined in the Charter of the aims and objectives in the following areas:

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